- H-D aimed for a dynamic animation that aligns with their branding in this online campaign. However, the client preferred to avoid the wheels spinning or moving bikes from point A to B.
- I had approved copy lines and only static image assets to use.
- This is standard banners(No rich media) with 200kb file size limit.

- I cropped still images into multiple PNG layers and created the diagonal panning + parallax effect.
- The bike remains stationary, while the layers of the background shift, creating a dynamic movement from single still image.
- It’s an extension of the huge standard OLA campaign for iRobot – Roomba Robot Vacuum.
- But this time, we have a super cool Take-Over banner with rich-media features (Yep, no worries about file size limit! and you have the whole canvas to play around with!) on the Epicurious site.
- I came up with an idea that the Roomba cleaning fake home page layout. However the homepage keeps changing its content, so we have to take new screenshots regularly to make sure the animation reflects the current.
- We found and signed up with a hosting service that is able to take screen captures of the homepage every 15 minutes and host the JPG files with sufficient bandwidth to handle millions of hits daily.
- Our animation script takes the most recent image and automatically generates the animation.

- Cadillac gave the CTS model a total makeover to appeal to a younger crowd. And there are 8 new features to showcase in their campaign.
- That new 5.1 Cabin Surround Sound System from Bose with 10 speakers was one of them.
- Figuring out how to visually showcase the amazing sound system was the main obstacle.
- It was a standard banner that must be lightweight at 40kb and without any audio.
- Did you SEE the amazing BOSE surround SOUND?
- If you’re into car audio, you definitely know what I’m talking about.
- If not, crank up your volume and see your rearview mirror.
- Final production includes various sizes of standard OLAs, with a maximum file size of 40kb each.
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